How to create a signature drink

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Death in the Afternoon, Satan's Whiskers, Hanky Panky, College Dropout, One-Balled Dictator. Half the fun of creating signature drinks seems to be coming up with a bizarre or silly name.

But there is method in the madness. Signature drinks can become synonymous with a venue or even a city.

Take the now famous twist on the gin sling. Raffles Hotel called it the Singapore Sling and both city and hotel have been toasting its popularity ever since.

The key ingredient for any signature drink though is profits, so before you go experimenting with your top shelf, give due consideration to your bottom line.

Make sure your clientele are stirred, not shaken

A signature drink is one thing, a twenty dollar price tag quite another if your customers are largely students. So before you reach for the cocktail shaker with intent, get the parameters of your target market clearly in mind. What is likely to have the greatest appeal: a cheap and cheerful drink in a jam jar or a five star cocktail creation with elaborate garnishes?

In other words, do you want an inexpensive, mass market drink within the reach of all? Or would an exclusive liqueur signature with a price tag as exotic as its ingredients do more for the mystique of your establishment?

At the end of the day your drink is a marketing tool, so make sure it speaks to your market in a language they can understand (at least until they've finished it.) Involve customers in the process and encourage feedback.

Mix your drinks irresponsibly

This is one occasion you can. Tried and true combinations do not make a new or remotely unique drink. So throw away the cocktail books and just taste test weird and wonderful mixes until something zings!

Vodkas and ports. Whiskeys and wines. Liqueurs and beers. Try infusions of alcohol with exotic fruits and vegetables. Try things that simply shouldn't work. If they do, it's an even better signature story to help market your drink to the masses.

Add a shot of flamboyance

Any drink you can set fire to is going to be a crowd pleaser. But even if your signature doesn't lend itself to pyrotechnics, try to incorporate some visual drama your cocktail waiters can use to create extra magic.

It might be complicated layering or flamboyant garnishes, anything that adds pizzazz and perceived value. Choose your glasses carefully. They are the vessel in which your signature drink will ultimately be delivered, so make sure they reflect its personality and price point.

Give your drink a memorable name

Try to give your signature drink a name that's intrinsically linked to your establishment. That way it can't be copied and its mere mention becomes an advertisement – invaluable if it gains genuine popularity.

Most of all have fun with it and don't be afraid to go into obscure or outrageous territory. A crazily catchy name can be just the thing that tips your drink into folklore.   

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